My Definition of a Black Hole...the year of 2015 (lol)
Profuse apologies for my lack of posts, but I am still alive and well! Real life definitely can get in the way and 2015 was filled with lots of “real” life. Toss in a bit of drama and more than a few lessons…well, you get the picture, but I’m happy to report I’m back on track. I’ve been carving out chunks of time to write and I’m crossing my fingers that sometime in 2016 I’ll be releasing my next book. Yay me!
Although 2015 was definitely what I’d call a rollercoaster (and I am not a fan of rollercoasters) I managed to hold on during the lows and smile during the highs…and speaking of highs, there were quite a few.
I increased the pet population at my house by adding a 72 gallon aquarium and two special needs cats. I met a new lady who continually makes me smile. Even though I didn’t publish a new book in 2015, my previous books somehow still managed to receive some attention (see previous post) and drum roll please…I was asked to do my first ever audio interview. *gulp* (see previous post)
I’m a woman who tries to count her blessings every day, so as 2015 rapidly comes to a close I will look back on it for the blessings God has given me. For the strength I didn’t think I had. For the knowledge that enlightened. For the fortitude to get back on my feet no matter how many times I was knocked to my knees. For my new lady, Boni, who gives me support, love, and most of all honesty, since the first day we met. For the friends who’ve lent their shoulders and their ears. For my dogs and cats who bring joy and laughter into my life. For the roof over my head, the food on my plate, and for this amazing gift I’ve been given…called writing.
I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and may the New Year bring you blessings of love, peace, and joy.